Why is Body Composition Analysis Important?
What is a skin fold assessment?
A skinfold caliper is used to assess the skinfold thickness, so that a prediction of the total amount of body fat can be made. This method is based on the hypothesis that the body fat is equally distributed over the body and that the thickness of the skinfold is a measure for subcutaneous fat.
Skinfold thickness (SFT) measurement is a reliable, cheap, simple, noninvasive method of body fat estimation at all ages including the newborn period.
This method uses calipers to take measurements at number of differing sites on the body, dependent on your profile needs. The measurements are then used to estimate the individual's body fat percentage, as well as health and performance indiciators, it can give energy expenditure estimations, and give a detailed report on the distribution of your mass.
Body Composition Report
Once we have completed taking your measures, we will generate a report for you to take away.
The measuremetns we will take are as follows;
Basic measurements - Stretch stature, mass, sit height and arm span.
Skin fold sites - triceps, subscap, biceps, abdominal, illiac crest,supraspinale, front thigh and mid calf.
Girths - hip, waist, arm relaxed, arm flexed and contracted, mid thigh and calf.
Breadths - Humerous, bi-styloid and femur.
ISAK. Why trust a registered practitioner?
The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) was founded as an organisation of individuals whose scientific and professional endeavour is related to kinanthropometry.
ISAK's purpose is to create and maintain an international network of colleagues who represent the world community transcending geography, politics and the bounds of separate disciplines in order to establish a dynamic area of scientific endeavour.
Kinanthropometry is the area of science concerned with the measurement of human body composition. As a result of changes in life styles, nutrition, activity levels and ethnic compositon of populations, changes to the distribution of body dimensions are forever occurring. Kinanthropometry is the interface between anatomy and movement. It takes the measurement of the human body and determines it's capability for function and movement in a range of settings.