February 16, 2024

Struggling with your nutrition strategy? 

Jon Bateman
Founder, Performance Nutritionist and Endurance Coach

Sick and tired of guessing your way through your daily intake to try and recover and fuel during your training?

Sound familiar?

You are certainly not alone. We can help you create a clear nutritional programme to achieve your goals, regardless of what they may be. It can and should be simple, regardless of the noise you see on social media and hear during and after training sessions down at your local club. 

How can we help you?

We use an easy to follow app @SENPPRO to plan, programme and track your progress on a day to day basis.  Here you will find your meal plans with recipes, a messaging service to keep things on track, build habits to track and follow each week and easy to visualise body composition charts to see how you’re going.

✅ Recipes- Discover over 100 recipes to help you fuel and recover day to day.

✅ Programming - Follow your day to day bespoke nutrition programme at the palm of your hands via the SENPRO app.

✅ Habit tracking - Build and follow new weekly habits to keep you on track.

✅ Messaging - Receive realtime feedback and support and streamline your communications in one place via the SENPRO app.

✅ Check-ins - Weekly check-ins for you to review and reflect on your progress.

✅ Progress tracking - Track important body composition data such as weight, skin folds and girth measurements

✅ Mobile access - Use the SENPRO app on any device. 

Does this sound like what you’re looking for?

Drop us a message and we can schedule a free call to see how we can work together to hit your goals.

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